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Lied: In the Stillness

Gezongen door een koor vanuit de Dutch Church Londen

In the stillness of a church
Where candles glow,

In the softness of a fall
Of fresh white snow,

In the brightness of the stars
That shine this night,

In the calmness of a pool
Of healing light,

In the clearness of a choir
That softly sings,

In the oneness of a hush
Of angels’ wings,

In the mildness of a night
By stable bare,

In the quietness of a lull
Near cradle fair,

There’s a patience as we wait
For a new morn,

And the presence of a child
Soon to be born.

Tekst: Katrina Shepherd
Muziek: Sally Beamish


Deze carol komt uit een aflevering van Petrus in het land (24 december 2022). Kijk de aflevering hier terug. 

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